Read More: How to cancel a subscription on Google Play Store As the official Android app store, Google Play Store has an obligation to ensure that the apps on its platform are safe and hassle-free. However, it has to provide a serene environment for developers to flourish as well and with as little stress as possible. Nonetheless, the recent change in the review process is necessary considering the inconvenience some of the apps on the platform have cost users before it was removed. On the other hand, the change does not apply to every account as per this; Also, the changes appear not to affect updates to existing apps review and established developer on the platform as they generally have fast reviews. The Director of Android Developer Relations, Mr. Lehrbaum made a statement saying ” while it would be ideal for developers to have very quick app reviews, Google also needs to balance it out with the ability to keep users safe”. This makes sense, instead of taking malicious apps down after it has gone live, putting preventive measures in place that would increase the chances of detecting them is a far better alternative.